This blog isn't intended to fight the stigma and shame surrounding mental illness...I've already blogged about that, and you can read it here ----> Fighting Stigma and Shame! I'm actually writing this blog to BLAST ignorance...plain & simple.
It's ignorance like THIS...
I'd ban ALL guns for convicted criminals and ANYONE with ANY mental health history whatsoever.
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) December 14, 2012
If any member of a house hold has mental illness, that house hold can't own a gun! #easy
— Lee Miller (@mr_leemiller) December 18, 2012
Those defending violent video games miss my point: a mentally ill person, with easy access to guns, can have bloodlust fuelled by the games.
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) December 16, 2012
The solution to gun (all?)violence is to keep criminals & the mentally ill away from law-abiding citizens!No these people actually believe this stuff?? I have a mental illness (I don't suffer from it, I'm learning to thrive with it!!) and I am NOT violent. I've legally own a gun. More than one actually, and I'm able use them very well; I shoot better accuracy percentages than most of my police friends. BUT even at my lowest point in life (when I was not yet prescribed medication) it never even crossed my mind to use it on MYSELF, let alone others. I'm a big kid at heart, so I have all the gaming systems---YES, I play "Call of Duty" regularly. It's a shooting game. I've played online against people, I've beat their socks off (they thought they had an automatic win playing against a woman)...but at the end of the day, I put my controller down, turn my system off---without even a mere thought of "bloodlust." Maybe I'm a special breed---and somehow different from the rest of the people that I know that live with a mental illness, but I'm NOT. I'm the standard...what the MEDIA portrays is NOT. We're NOT all the same. We're NOT all violent. We're NOT all subhuman. Believe it or not, EVIL people actually exist in the world. Evil does not = mentally ill!!! "Evil is about choice! Sickness (Mental Illness) is about the absence of choice." (Lindsay Fitzharris)
— An American Patriot (@Onelifetogive) December 18, 2012
The ignorance of the news media fuels the stigma and shame of having a mental illness. I'm NO LONGER ashamed. Stigma and shame kept me from seeking help for years! A personal crisis forced me to get the help I needed. I'm no longer running away from or ignoring my problems, I'm facing them head on. That's not the only thing I'm facing head on!! I'm also facing those that use their platform to spread lies and ignorance instead of educating themselves and the world!! YES...a detailed and educational email response went out to Piers Morgan regarding his insensitive and ignorant tweet, NO...I didn't get a response, but I faced it head on! Knowledge is the Cure for ignorance!!